Eternal Stars
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[New] Badges for Eternal Stars 1 month annivesery

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[New] Badges for Eternal Stars 1 month annivesery Empty [New] Badges for Eternal Stars 1 month annivesery

Post  EternalWings Wed Jul 08, 2009 3:15 pm

We have made new badges for our 1 month anniversery, and for this month only all of them will be half price!!!!
Each badge will cost 25 Stars, and the whole set will cost 100 Stars, and it's not expensive at all coz theres a total of 10 badges ^^

But after this month each will cost 50 Stars and the whole set will cost 200 Stars. So hurry and buy now!!
Since this is the first time we've had badges for sale, i have posted a tutorial on badges.
Please read it because there is a lot of important details on there.
and read it CAREFULLY!!

Thank You

Coins : 10
[New] Badges for Eternal Stars 1 month annivesery 2utrl80
[New] Badges for Eternal Stars 1 month annivesery 3149sus
Posts : 472
Stars : 894
Location : Australia

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